Our Story

CyberTec Consulting, LLC provides resources and technology services for people interested in cybersecurity with education and training opportunities. CyberTec Consulting aims in creating awareness and diversity for minorities in cybersecurity, by providing them with resources to obtain careers in cybersecurity.

About Our Founder


With a passion in cybersecurity and willingness to help others, Tara founded CyberTec Consulting, LLC. The organization focuses on educating and training minorities in the field of cybersecurity. Not only for those interested in the field, but to also create awareness for people to understand cybersecurity best practices. Tara is a passionate about creating diversity in cybersecurity by providing minorities with fundamentals and resources to obtain careers in cybersecurity. She believes in the importance of mentorship to "teach, empower, and coach" others to manifest their potential in life and cybersecurity.

Tara is a cybersecurity professional with experience in both private and pulbic sectors of cybersecurity. As a military spouse and government contractor with the Department of Defense, Tara began her career leading government contracts in the United States and abroad. Her background includes cybersecurity, data privacy, vulnerability management, compliance, risk management, information assurance, and leadership.
Tara is a Business Information Security Officer for a Fortune 500 company, where she is responsible for serving as the information security conduit for global business units. In a cybersecurity leadership role, Tara must analyze operational needs to ensure business strategies are executed within security standards.